A few years ago, I volunteered as a coach along with several other professional coaches at a large conference event. Entitled the “coaching corner,” it was intended to give the younger professionals in attendance a taste of what coaching was all about. Similar to “speed dating,” this was “speed coaching.”
I met with 12 professionals that day, 4 men and 8 women. There was something strikingly different between the men and the women. The men all sat down and told me what they were aiming for next in their career and wanted to explore steps they could take to achieve it. Six of the eight women sat down and expressed how dissatisfied they were with their current job. But, when asked, they had no idea what they wanted, much less the next steps. These women felt stuck, and this stuck feeling also created despondency.
Ever since, I have been keenly aware of this phenomenon. And I continue to see a pattern—women often feel stuck just not knowing what they want.
I want to emphasize that just because men think they know what they want, they may not know at all. They may be deluding themselves into thinking that next promotion is the next right thing for them. Or they may be overlooking dissatisfactions in their current job. But the fact that they are in action, they are pursuing SOMETHING and are open to input, they are more likely to refine their goals to be more in line with who they are. And they are more likely to get input and feedback. That despondency that comes from being stuck can often push people away who might otherwise help.
As I learned from Jack Canfield, being in action is a critical Success Principle. He encourages individuals to take 3-5 actions a day toward their goals. But how do you know if you are taking SMART action—and not just beating your head against the wall?
SMART action is not only aligned with your goals, it is also effective action. It often takes another individual to help you see if what you are doing is, in fact, aligned with who you are and your unique goals. And when asked some specific questions, we may see that the action is not likely to be effective either.
That is why I have created the KTS Success Factor® Process. It is designed to be the SMART action steps you can take to clarify goals that will make you happy and successful and provide the means by which you can create the support system you need to get and stay on track.
The outcome of working through this process is CLARITY, CONFIDENCE, and COMMITMENT to business and career goals that will bring you HAPPINESS, SUCCESS, and LESS STRESS.
A few times a year I do a demo of this process and the next one is scheduled for June 21, 2022. I encourage you to attend and learn the process for yourself. You can register here.
And every quarter I start a public workshop where a small group of individuals works together on learning and implementing the process. You can register for that here.