Whether you're navigating career transitions, seeking to enhance your leadership skills, or striving for greater work-life balance, Sarah's books offer invaluable strategies, actionable advice, and inspiring anecdotes to propel you toward success. With her keen understanding of the ever-evolving landscape of work and her unwavering dedication to helping individuals thrive, Dr. Sarah E. Brown's books are essential companions for anyone striving to craft a meaningful and rewarding career path.
The Book of You®
How happy is happy enough? When it comes to your current job, “happy enough” should never cut it.
Many people assume that because they don’t hate their job, get along relatively well with their co-workers, and make enough money to live on, that their current level of job satisfaction is good enough. But your job should yield more than just a paycheck – it should deliver satisfaction as well.
The happier you are in a job, the more likely you are to do it well – and achieve long-term success. You don’t have to switch careers, or even change jobs, to be happier at work. You simply need to make a few small changes.
How to Be Happy, Successful, and Understood At Work in 21 Days, a fully customized book about you, can help you gain the self-insight you need to more fully enjoy the job you already have.
Simply complete a Birkman Method®questionnaire, a time-tested personality profiling tool.
Within 2 business days of your order, a link to the assessment will be sent to you from sarah@bookofyou.com. After completion, your customized book will be sent to your email inbox. Offering insight and advice as unique as you are, the book will help you understand:
And provide you with the tools you need to test this out with someone who knows and cares about you. You can begin to get the benefits of coaching without having to pay for one.
All of this for just $495 each.
Let Your Personality Be Your Career Guide
If you are currently searching for a job, do you know what will make you truly happy? Do you know what will make you successful? Do you know what you will need from your boss or coworkers to be understood and to reduce stress at work? How would you know the ideal job if it were offered to you?
Imagine a job that allows you to pursue your interests or passions using your unique strengths.
Imagine a job that allows you to pursue your interests or passions using your unique strengths. Imagine that it causes little stress because your on-the-job needs are met. If your job meets this criteria, you would most likely be happy, successful, and understood at work.
And provide you with the tools you need to test this out with someone who knows and cares about you. You can begin to get the benefits of coaching without having to pay for one.
This valuable handbook also offers examples of how others have used this information to find their own dream job or create the right conditions within their current job. You’ll find examples from college students just embarking on their first jobs to more seasoned professionals looking for post-retirement bliss, and many other examples in between.
With knowledge about your unique personality, and with help on how to translate that into good career choices, you really can be happy, successful, and understood at work.
The Road to Success
To take a road trip to Success, we will need a destination as well as a GPS. Success is described here as the achievement of a goal. The goals we adopt may be the result of experience, vision or desire. They crystallize our desire to get to a better place.
Having picked a goal for success, how do you get there? What drives you on? Some more popular goals include amassing wealth, gaining recognition and a desire to improve the lifestyle of others.
It is also interesting to note that both philosophers as well as successful travelers on this road to success tell us that the journey is the real prize, not merely arriving at the destination.
So what route does your roadmap follow? Whatever route you choose, the CelebrityExperts® in this book can mentor your trip.
They have completed this trip before, and they know where the potholes and the dead-ends are. These successful people have traits in common including creativity, risk taking, planning, perseverance and they are action-takers. Without taking action, The Road To Success is merely a mirage. So read, learn and enjoy. Safe travels!
After such a successful release, The National Academy of Best-Selling Authors™, an organization that honors authors from many of the leading independent best seller lists, recognized Brown for her contribution.
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