Sarah Brown Talking aloneI am excited to learn that TED made my TEDx Talk available on “What My Job Taught Me about Finding a Romantic Relationship” WATCH HERE:
This is really great news, and I hope it will help me reach even more women with tools they can use to get clear about what they want. In this case, I am talking about how to get clear about what you want in a relationship. And the tools I suggest require an understanding of the same interests, strengths, and needs I discuss in learning how to be Happy, Successful, and Understood at Work.
The more women learn about their preferences and pursue them with intent, the more empowered they will be.
The really good news is that there are tools that help in this process. The Book of Two™ , available at
helps individuals understand each other and provides specific strategies for navigating personality differences. This is a great example of using technology in the process.
and learn how you, too, can be Happy, Successful, and Understood in a significant relationship.

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