Do you know what will make you happy, successful, and understood at work?

I am passionate about serving women and helping them build clarity, confidence, and commitment to achieving their unique career goals, and I want you to be happy, and successful, and experience less stress in the process.

I am the author of the best-selling Let Your Personality Be Your Career Guide, and I co-wrote (with Jack Canfield of Chicken Soup for the Soul® fame) the best-selling The Road to Success.

I have also developed a completely personalized book, entitled The Book of YOU®, which helps individuals be happy, successful, and better understood in a variety of pursuits based on their unique personalities.

In this episode, I’ll continue a discussion on self-coaching and explain how the Know Thyself Process® can help you start living the life you have always imagined.


What you will learn from this episode:

  • Learn the different types of coaching.
  • Learn the power of good questions and how they can help you gain clarity on your priorities.
  • Understand more about the three influential steps of Know Thyself Process® so you can create the business and life you love.



“While needs are important, there’s more to creating a life we love. Needs are necessary, but seldom sufficient for long-term happiness.”

– Dr. Sarah E. Brown



Valuable Free Resource:


  • How to shift your mindset and start living the life you, or your coachee, ever dreamed of:



Topics Covered:


00:38 – Sarah reviews the difference between coaching and self-coaching

02:08 – Support to Report: What exactly is peer coaching

03:03- Share to Spare: Sarah explains the difference between mentoring from self-coaching

04:10 – Sarah revisits what was talked about in Episode 67

06:14 – Check and Reflect: What does step two, “testing”, mean?

09:12 – What Do You Do When Life Happens?: The importance of the “Know” step through Sarah’s own experience

12:01 – Clarify and Learn: Sarah talks more about step two, clarifying

13:05 – Top 3 Things to Ask: Sarah finally dives into the last step and gives 3 questions you can reflect on



Key Takeaways:


“Coaching is often referred to as “support to report” because the coach is just supporting the coachee to report what is important or needs to happen.” -Dr. Sarah E. Brown


“Take the first step at getting clarity about what you want by just sharing your interests, strengths, and needs with another caring person and dialogue with them about what it means to you.” -Dr. Sarah E. Brown


“When you share what you want with someone who has a good handle on your interest, strengths, and needs, they’re going to be able to see immediately whether what you say you want is congruent with who you really are. This is important.” -Dr. Sarah E. Brown


“The outcome of any good coaching interaction is greater clarity on what the coachee wants and getting her going down the path of achieving it. Knowing what the coachee does not want is insufficient. You have to know what the coachee actually does want.” -Dr. Sarah E. Brown


“I’ve spent years clarifying what I want and I’m still learning, but I’m never going to make progress if I’m not in action on what I do know, or think I know.” -Dr. Sarah E. Brown



Ways to Connect with Sarah E. Brown:

  • Website:
  • Twitter:
  •  LinkedIn:

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