The mission of the KTS Success Factor Podcast for Women is to bring proven ideas female business leaders can use to increase their capabilities to achieve big goals and become happy, successful, and understood at work. All this in 25 minutes or less.
Senior female business leaders
Because of our tight interview format, you will spend less than 30 minutes being interviewed by me. In addition to the podcast itself, we transcribe all interviews and create blog posts that are posted on our website, Facebook, LinkedIn, and Twitter and shared to our email list. All of these will create long-lasting backlinks to your chosen landing page.
This podcast uses our tight KTS format of 5 questions in 25 minutes:
1. What is the biggest challenge you help female leaders face in business today and what are the symptoms of this challenge?
2. What are the biggest mistakes your clients make before working with you?
3. What is the number one free and actionable tip you can give them to address this challenge now?
4. What is a valuable free resource you can share with women to help them understand this challenge better?
5. What is one question that I should have asked you that will help our audience take action to address this challenge? And then, please answer the question.
This format allows us to get your message into the minds of prospects in short TED-style segments allowing listeners to learn more about a current challenge during their morning commute, their morning run, or taking lunch-on-the-go. They are then be empowered to take at least one tangible action step to begin to address the challenge on the very day they listen to you.
Dr. Sarah E. Brown is an expert on personalizing work to the unique interests, strengths, and needs of the workforce. A former Managing Director at Accenture, she is now on a mission to reach 250,000 women with knowledge of their unique gifts and the tools to be happy, successful, and understood at work. As a certified Birkman Method® consultant and a certified Jack Canfield Success Principles Trainer, she provides a completely customized transformation experience for every participant. She is also a two-time TEDx speaker.
“Everyone talks about ‘I wish I had my dream job.’ This will help you get that.”
–Jack Canfield, Co-Author, Chicken Soup for the Soul®
Please follow the instructions below to get your registration completed and book your time to view the podcast.
Provided the interview goes well, it will be distributed and we'll publish at least four long- lasting backlinks to your nominated landing page.
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