Have you always believed that you are worth far more than your physical attributes?

Or are you just one of those plagued down by negativity about your own body image?

Yes, society dictates what beauty is, but only when you allow it yourself.

Take it from Argentina Leyva, an International Photographer and Founder of the Art of Seduction Boudoir.

For Argentina, it all clicked when she worked up the courage to step in front of the camera wearing nothing but black, lacey lingerie for her very first boudoir shoot.

Leaving her engineering career behind, she’s spent the last decade photographing over 3,000 women, capturing their self-acceptance liberations.

Argentina’s two boudoir studios in Austin, TX, and Chicago, IL and women’s retreats hosted in exotic locations like Bali, Fiji, and Cozumel help women in their 40s, 50s and beyond, to feel confident, sexy and totally transformed.

Her latest project is a book and collection of retreats, called Bolder Beyond 50. Through this project, Leyva will capture the stories and photos of women who are leaping into the best years of their lives.

In this episode, Argentina shares from her experience of photographing 3000 women and what she has learned about accepting and appreciating ourselves just as we are, regardless of size, skin color, height, weight, or anything else.

What you’ll learn from today’s episode:

· Discover about Argentina’s experience that tremendously redefined her concept of beauty and catapulted her self-confidence to new heights

· Learn about the mindset that will help you get past your insecurities about body image and highlight your strengths as a woman in more ways than one

· Find out what Boudoir Photography is and how it helps boost a woman’s self-esteem at any age, at any time, and whatever size she is

Be sure to check out the full interview accessible through this link: https://www.sarahebrown.com/post/overcoming-a-negative-body-image-with-argentina-leyva

Enjoy, and Cheers!

~ Sarah E. Brown, Ph. D
Host, The KTS Success Factor™ Podcast

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